How to Fix a Tooth without a Dentist

Nothing is quite as bad as a toothache from cavities, infection, or a tooth broken/knocked out. Teeth take a lot of care, and often we use and abuse them. So, when we finally hit a point where a tooth can’t go without some real help, we often look for how to fix a tooth without a dentist. One thing to note is that you can’t permanently solve a tooth problem without the knowledge and abilities of a dental clinic and all they have to offer. If the pain doesn’t go away with the use of tooth brushing, flossing, or rinsing with mouthwash or salt water, you will need a dentist to determine the cause. However, that doesn’t mean you can’t attempt to help the problem until you’re able to get an emergency appointment.

How to Fix a Tooth without a Dentist

Normal causes of Tooth Pain.


We’re all aware of what causes cavities. Failure to brush at least twice a day, floss once a day and rinse after highly sugary foods or drinks. Candy and Soda cling to teeth and can not only create cavities but get into existing ones and make them worse. The worsening of these cavities is what creates sensitivity. Once the cavity has tunneled deep enough, it can hit the pulp of your tooth, and here it can turn into an infection.


If you have an infection in your tooth, it’s a possibility the only thing that will help the tooth pain is the use of an antibiotic prescribed by your dentist. The antibiotic will help the infection, allow inflamed tissue to go down, and thusly help with the pain. However, even this is also a temporary fix. If the infection and decay are bad enough, it is normal for this to lead to the need for a root canal or pulling of the tooth.

Cracked Tooth

When a tooth becomes cracked deeply it separates the enamel of the tooth. When the enamel moves around from chewing it can irritate the pulp below, which is soft. This irritation is painful because it is damaging. We have to remember that pain is the body’s way of telling us something is wrong. If you allow the pulp to receive too much damage, it may not be able to heal itself.


Gingivitis is generally an infection of the gums caused by a bacteria build-up. It hurts your teeth as the infections spread into the gums and around the tooth. This can cause, redness, swelling in the gums, and bleeding while brushing or flossing. If left untreated, gingivitis can deepen into a worse issue, which is called periodontitis. This can affect the gums and roots of the teeth, leading to tooth loss completely.

What Does Treatment Look Like?

When it comes to tooth pain there is one basic place to start. Brush your teeth with toothpaste, floss the area, and rinse with salt water or mouthwash. Give the tooth time to settle after you have completed a full cleaning. If the pain still persists, it is time to call your dentist.

Once you have scheduled an emergency appointment, move to an over-the-counter painkiller. Ibuprofen is often good as it is an anti-inflammatory, so it can help soothe irritated gums or pulp. This should help keep you comfortable until your appointment.

If you can see or feel a piece of tooth missing, or know a cavity that is causing the problem, temporary tooth filler is available at most large stores to help cover the root or pulp that is being affected. Temporary tooth fillers can be used by cleaning the area and then applying some of the putties into the hole. In case you end up touching the putty, wash your hands before handling it to keep as much bacteria out of the tooth as possible. Temporary tooth fillers are temporary. They will not solve the issue of a broken, tooth, cavity, or missing filling.

Lastly, use heat and ice to help the area. Very often it is good to rotate between heating and cooling elements in order to help keep inflammation down while also soothing the area.

There is no long-term answer on how to fix a tooth without a dentist. Teeth are complex parts of our body and require special attention from professionals. Brush and floss regularly, make sure to attend cleanings and cavity fillings when scheduled, and always be conscious of how the things you eat or drink will stick to and affect your teeth.

Pain Management