It’s common for us as adults to have to get our wisdom teeth removed. We often put it off as long as we can until the teeth either bother us, or the other teeth in our mouth are getting jammed because of them. At some point, with he urging of our dentist, we finally give in and we decide to get them removed. Some can simply be pulled; in which case you don’t have to get stitches. If they are impacted, however, they’ll have to be surgically removed, and stitches will be placed in your mouth after. Either way, your mouth is left sore, and so is your jaw. For the first few days opening your mouth and chewing too hard is going to be painful, and you have to be careful. But pain doesn’t mean you won’t still be hungry…So, what to eat after wisdom teeth removal? Let’s look at a few options.
The soonest you’re allowed to eat after your teeth are removed is usually one hour. More than likely, it’ll be a bit longer after that before you actually want food. That being said, whenever you do start to feel snackish, remember that you don’t want to eat any food or beverages that are hot. Something too hot can burn the raw skin and heat will also cause inflammation, which can make it more painful.
First and foremost, go for something to help numb.
What not to eat:
Your dentist will probably warn you not to drink out of straws, but if you really don’t want to be eating any foods, you can always try instant breakfasts that mix into milk, or protein drinks. If you’re in pain for longer than you think you should be, never be afraid to reach out to your dentist. Something could be wrong, and there is no harm in checking in.
Make sure you know what kind of pain relievers your dentist prescribes you, some can be addictive, and never be afraid to ask them for something else if they are.
Remember, your mouth is going to heal, and you will be eating solid foods again! It can be frustrating to not eat your favorite foods, but soon you’ll be back to eating whatever you’d like—so try out some new ice cream flavors and relax! If you're looking to get this procedure done simply call ABG Dental at (574) 389-8300 for our Elkhart office and (574) 534-8777 for our Goshen office.